Monday, November 5, 2007

Small To Big

Small to Big

110507 Artist Kenneth John KEN

before you make a larger painting and use a fresh new stretched canvas, you may want to make some small workup paintings to test the composition. i make several small paintings like these, use different color schemes, etc. i am not afraid to try wild and different things because i can either throw the small paintings out and no big financial or ego loss. the one on the left is on 6x8 canvas and since i like the composition and color scheme, i decided to make it into a 14x18 stretched canvas. the small paintings can be given away or sold or stored away.

on another note, i sell everything, even if it takes almost giving it away for nothing. i always figure at least i made a new patron, someone new to see my art. i lost my ego about my art years ago. not everyone is going to like your stuff, no matter how good you are. think about it, there are some master's works that you don't like. so of course, you have to not take it personally. just keep on truckin and believe in yourself (which is hard to do sometimes!!!).