091007 Artist Kenneth John KEN
i painted this little 6x8" canvas panel. pallette-zinc white, cobalt blue, cadium red deep and cadium yellow deep. painting on these small canvases accomplishes several things: the paintings sell quickly, because of a low price and hopefully you make one patron happy so they will buy more in the future and spread the word about you to others. the painting can be a workup for a bigger painting. the painting can be a test of new color schemes, compositions, etc. if you fail, your not losing much financially or ego wise. or perhaps the painting itself is good enough to sell prints of it. they don't take as much time as a bigger painting, but you still struggle just as much to make it interesting.
most days in the studio is a struggle. some days are less and some more. painting is not easy. when i leave the studio sometimes i feel as if i just took a school achievement test, like the SAT or ACT, totally wears you out mentally. when you paint bad, you want to quit, get depressed, feel sorry for yourself, wondering why you even try. look for a part of the painting you did do right. or you need to stay away for awhile, start studying again, analyze and learn from the mistakes and make the next one better. in drawing the saying goes " the bad lines lead to the good lines" and that can be applied to painting also, the bad paintings will lead you to the good paintings.
i like the color scheme and warm-cool balance of the painting.
Paintings for sale at ebay ID: kenp