092107 Artist Kenneth John KEN
pre-made or generic frame sizes can be found in any place that sells frames. so when you buy or sell paintings you need to know what is readily available other than a custom frame. the most common frame opening sizes for paintings are 8x10", 11x14", 16x20", 18x24" and 24x36". the next group of standard frame sizes are 5x7", 9x12", 12x16", 20x24". any other sizes, you pretty much have to have a custom frame made, which can be very expensive. most of the generic frames are now made and imported from tijuana, mexico.
these two paintings i did the last couple of days, the first is 11x14", absolutely no problem finding a frame, you can pick them up anywhere, new or used. the second is 8x16" which would require a custom frame because very few manufacturer's make that size in standard sizes.